If you are planning to visit Fuerteventura, it’s always a good idea to have a list of useful telephone numbers that you may need during your stay. Here we will provide you with a list of important and useful telephone numbers in Fuerteventura.
It’s always a good idea to keep these numbers handy to ensure your safety and convenience while you explore the island.
Emergency Services
If you find yourself in an emergency situation, it’s essential to know the numbers to call for help. Here are the emergency numbers in Fuerteventura:
- Police: 091
- Ambulance: 061
- Fire Brigade: 080
Medical Services
If you need medical assistance, here are some useful telephone numbers in Fuerteventura:
- Hospital General de Fuerteventura: +34 928 862000
- Centro de Salud de Corralejo: +34 928 867585
- Centro de Salud de Puerto del Rosario: +34 928 851838
- Centro de Salud de Gran Tarajal: +34 928 163004
If you need to travel around Fuerteventura, here are some useful transportation telephone numbers:
- Fuerteventura Airport: +34 902 404 704
- Taxi Fuerteventura: +34 928 855685
- Bus Station Puerto del Rosario: +34 928 851198
- Bus Station Corralejo: +34 928 866171
Tourist Information
If you need any assistance with tourist information, here are some useful telephone numbers in Fuerteventura:
- Tourist Office in Corralejo: +34 928 535245
- Tourist Office in Puerto del Rosario: +34 928 859126
- Tourist Office in Gran Tarajal: +34 928 162662
Other Useful Numbers
- Lost property: +34 928 860400
- Civil Guard: +34 062
- Red Cross: +34 928 852222